
Arts and Health, Sisters is devoted to exploring creative problem solving and coping strategies in our world, especially the links between artistic expression and personal and spiritual growth. It is also dedicated to honoring the value and power of women.

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Monday, November 12, 2012


I drew this about a year ago. I am finding that at times drawing is a wonderful, meditative past-time. Getting to this place with drawing has been interesting, in that somehow I kept hold of that childhood notion that either one can draw or one can't. Finally I have the patience (and the teen-aged children) to allow the slow process of sketching non-judgmentally, starting with a random doodle watching myself make one small decision after another so that the image grows under my hand. If there starts to be a recognizable image then my mind becomes occupied with the subject and the image grows into a totem concerning my feelings, thoughts and reactions to the subject. Usually I draw from my imagination, although I have sometimes looked at dozens of pictures of a similar image (e.g. a type of flower) before I find I can work on "my" daffodil.

Needless to say, since I'm not actually that skilled at swaddling babies, in real life the baby above would soon have gracefully wrapped blanket all over the place, which would be a fun image to draw or write about at some future date.

Perhaps patience with oneself  is one of the (potential) blessings of being a bit older, I suddenly don't seem to have places to go in a big rush. I want to be here, with those I love, with myself and with my life. For me this is a healing place. I try to remember the young tender parts of myself as I go forward and swaddle them a bit so they can rest and grow strong.

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